Linear Regression on TI-81

1. Enter lists
2nd.jpg (1064 bytes) wpeE.jpg (1467 bytes) rtarrow.jpg (858 bytes) rtarrow.jpg (858 bytes) 2.jpg (878 bytes) enter.jpg (1308 bytes) Clear all statistical lists
2nd.jpg (1064 bytes) wpeE.jpg (1467 bytes) rtarrow.jpg (858 bytes) rtarrow.jpg (858 bytes) 1.jpg (818 bytes) Get ready to enter data
Enter pairs of x and y values, pressing enter.jpg (1308 bytes) after each value
2nd.jpg (1064 bytes) clear.jpg (1409 bytes) Quit
2. Graph the data
yequals.jpg (948 bytes) clear.jpg (1409 bytes), etc as needed Clear all equations Y1 thru Y4
wpe11.jpg (1409 bytes), then set the window so that all x and y values will be included in the viewing rectangle.
2nd.jpg (1064 bytes) wpeE.jpg (1467 bytes) rtarrow.jpg (858 bytes) 2.jpg (878 bytes) enter.jpg (1308 bytes) Use the STAT DRAW menu to graph the data points in a scatter graph
3. Do the linear regression; the equation will be of the form y(x) = a + bx
2nd.jpg (1064 bytes) wpeE.jpg (1467 bytes) 2.jpg (878 bytes) On the STAT menu, go to LinReg to do the linear regression.
enter.jpg (1308 bytes) Values of a, b, and r appear on screen
b = slope; a = y intercept
4. Paste the linear regression equation into Y1 and graph it
yequals.jpg (948 bytes) vars.jpg (1279 bytes) rtarrow.jpg (858 bytes) rtarrow.jpg (858 bytes) 4.jpg (825 bytes) Regression equation is pasted into Y1
2nd.jpg (1064 bytes) wpeE.jpg (1467 bytes) rtarrow.jpg (858 bytes) 2.jpg (878 bytes) Now the STAT DRAW menu will sketch a graph of the regression line and the scatter plot
enter.jpg (1308 bytes)
5. Use the regression line to make predictions
If the prediction is to be made at X = 5, use the keystrokes below. Replace the ‘5' with the number of your choice.
5.jpg (832 bytes) wpe12.jpg (1265 bytes) wpe14.jpg (1066 bytes) enter.jpg (1308 bytes) The number of your choice is now stored in the variable X
2nd.jpg (1064 bytes) vars.jpg (1279 bytes) 1.jpg (818 bytes) enter.jpg (1308 bytes) The regression equation stored in Y1 is evaluated at the value stored in X